
Can I Have A Session To Connect With My Deceased Loved One?

As of 2022, Maureen has been channelling SAM for 16 years.  In her earlier years, Maureen was so focused on learning SAM’s philosophy, Maureen did not focus on her ability to do mediumship at all.  Though a deceased loved one would show up in a session from time to time over the years, Maureen did not advertise this or make it her focus. 

If someone that has passed is an important person to you because you still have ‘unfinished business’ or a lot of grief that prevents you from moving forward, Maureen can bring that deceased person into the session with you to heal the discord. For example, if your husband died and you have feelings of anger, betrayal, abandonment, we can work them through by bringing him in energetically to be a part of the session.  Often, if you just get a chance to ask them the questions that have left things feeling unfinished, you will achieve the peace that you are looking for regarding your loved one’s death.

If you are looking for the type of medium that does ‘proof of life’ (he wore baseball caps all the time, his favorite food is pizza, his sister’s name is Kathy), this is not the type of medium that Maureen/SAM are.  Their goal is to help you heal your karma, your soul contract with this person, so that you can continue to play this game of life to the best of your ability, not feeling that you have lost something irreparable because your loved one has now passed. Instead, the goal is to heal the contract enough, with both energy frequencies and conversation with your loved one, that you can move on with your life.  because you know they are okay and the two of you are at peace with each other.  You move on, and so do they.  They may still look out for you, even as a guide for you, but you will not feel that urge to connect with them again and again because there will no longer be such strong feelings of loss. Those feelings will be replaced with understanding of the bigger picture and soul contract, and an acceptance of their passing.

Many people attempt to make contact with their loved ones because they want to make sure their loved one is okay. We can reassure you right now – they ARE okay. Please know that there is no ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ in the way you have been taught. We have people suffering here on earth in their own self-made ‘hell’, just as one can, across the veil, still be holding similar personality traits of feeling angry or victimized in another realm. Death does not immediately cause your loved one to be enlightened.  However, we can assure you that everyone is safe, they are supported by frequencies of All There Is, and they can work on themselves once they have passed (in their Life Review) to work out their problems and achieve the peace that perhaps they never found before they passed on.

 No loved one is stuck in some fiery hell, trapped or unsupported, no matter how they died (even by suicide).  All of that is religious dogma and not a part of the philosophy framework that SAM has taught Maureen over the years.  Instead, once they die, they can still contact you if they wish, they can review their life and what they did right, and where they could have done things differently in Life Review.  They are the same in personality as they were when they were living. The longer they’ve been gone (years), sometimes you do notice that they come forth with more wisdom about their life and relationships. This is a result of them having gotten further into their own Life Review and having learned more insights about their time here. Wisdom is acquired over time through their self-reflection during life review, it is not an immediate outcome of death.