
So What Is Channelling or Mediumship Anyways??

There are a lot of assumptions made when someone considers the concept of channelling.  And yet, we all are channels to some capacity.  A channel has the ability to use their sixth sense to hear/see/feel/know beings or energy, whether they are in our present reality or ‘across the veil’ in another dimension.  A medium, who can access a deceased loved one, is a channel.  The medium is simply channelling the deceased loved ones’ realm, specifically your Aunt Mildred! When someone calls themselves a ‘channel’, usually they are channelling a different realm than deceased loved ones, such as angels, spirit guides, collective consciousnesses, even beings from other planets. 

Every time you hear your own inner thoughts, you too are channelling.  Sometimes you channel your lower consciousness thoughts coming from your wounded inner child, such as “No one likes me, I am so stupid!”.  Other times, you channel your higher consciousness thoughts such as “Though I need this job, I know by this interview that this job is not the right feel for me.”  We are guided by our inner thoughts all the time.  Some people call those thoughts intuition, guidance, or messages from ‘God’.  Whatever you call it, you are channelling those different aspects of your being every moment of your life. We’ve just never thought to dissect it into ‘who’ we are hearing in our own head when those thoughts appear. We just accept them as part of ourselves and move on.

The only difference for a medium or channel, is that they are also able to hear/see/feel/know other beings in our Universe – such as deceased people, angels and guides around us.  Instead of only being able to hear/see/feel/know the internal aspects that make up their person, they can also hear/see/feel/know external beings that are a part of our world and universe.

How many of you have ever walked into the room and without anyone saying a word, you can feel the energy of the room?  Perhaps the energy feels angry, or toxic, or ‘heavy’.  How did you do that?  Your intuition helped you to ‘channel’ the feel of energy in the room. 

How many times have you heard stories from people you trust, of them hearing strong guidance in their head, that felt like it came from a guardian angel in times of trouble? Or of feeling someone ‘shaking them awake’ as they fell asleep at the driver’s wheel, yet no one was in the car other than the driver? (This second example happened to Maureen when she was 17, she didn’t know what to make of it at the time.)

We have guides and angels all around us, all the time.  We are not on this journey alone.  Since this game of life is free will, unless we are in real danger where perhaps a guide/angel is allowed to intervene, more often if we want external guidance, we need to ask for it.  People who are religious, pray for that guidance from ‘God’.  Those who are Atheists, may go within to their ‘ higher intuition’ for guidance.  Neither is wrong!  As long as you are connecting to a consciousness that is higher than yourself, and that guidance that you receive is logical, grounded, and proves to be legitimate, does it matter how you label it or where it comes from?  In our opinion, it does not.

If following the external or internal guidance improves your life, gets you to a better understanding of who you are and why you are here, that guidance is worth heeding, is it not?